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The Tin Can Tarot Experience

The Answers Are Inside

Bring Tin Can Tarot To Your Event

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My Story

Card Slinger, Toltec Knight

Hi, I am Colleen, your card slinger and Jaguar knight in the Toltec lineage of Don Miguel Ruiz, author of "The Four Agreements"
My mission, my message, my gift, is to empower you to realize you are the master of your own life. Tarot is my delivery system, it shows me where to look and what to say. 
It is like reading music, the notes are on every keyboard in the same place, but we all play them differently.
Your life is your biggest masterpiece. How are you dreaming it? How do you think it, feel it, see it? Look at it and the circumstances of your life, that will show you how your dream.
I give you full permission and absolute power to arrange it or rearrange it as you will. I remind you, you have that power. You have the power to create and choose, so let's choose it, consciously.


Card Slinger

Before the birth of "Tinct" (my gorgeous caravan), there was just me-- in shops, small parties and eventually trade shows of 14,000 folks. All I needed was a table, a couple of chairs, and a querent. The same holds true today and, when an event space can't accommodate Tinct, we go 'old school' with the Card Slinger experience: personal, raw, insightful, empowering, and memorable.


The Tin Can Tarot Experience

Experience Tarot  inside 'Tinct'-- the beautiful Vardo that is the highlight of any party. Reminiscent of an elegant bygone era, this tiny but impressive trailer inspires the imagination and brings wonder and magic everywhere she goes. Your guests will be immersed in another world while receiving an insightful reading that they will never forget. The Tin Can Tarot experience takes your event to the next level.


Tarot Hosting

Give your guests the best with a Tarot Host. Many people have never experienced Tarot. A host will prepare your guests for the best reading possible by helping them to formulate an empowering question-- the heart of any reading. The Tarot host will also entertain, engage and keep your lines moving faster. This means more of your guests get readings, and they spend less time in line and more time at your party.

Required for 30+ guests

"The quantum field responds not to what we want, it responds to who we are being" Joe Dispenza


Private Readings

Clarity, Guidance & Inspiration

My favorite time with Tarot is using it to heal our daily lives. Whether it a deep dive into old patterns and wounds that are calling out to be revealed and healed, or a situation that has your mind in a tangle and you just need clarity, this allows us to go to the root of the problem and really suss out solutions for moving forward in a powerful responsible way.

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The Tarot Keeper

Tarot Bags, Decks and Candles

I started to design bags for my tarot decks when all I could find were drawstring bags made of velveteen. I knew I could do better. And I continue to work on designs and fabrics that stand up to the incredible indie decks that are available today. If you are like me, and do not like a tuck box, then this site is for you.
Now I am starting a power Candle line that reinforces the work we have started in the reading.  When you get home, it is important to ground the new information with a new habit and new thoughts. An intention candle and meditation are great tools for this work.

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"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination"

John Lennon

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